
Will you come?

The Central Committee runs the Republican Party's business in Story County. That means we organize parades, create our budget, organize volunteer events, and hold fundraising dinners. 

The Story County GOP Central Committee has three committees - Events & Fundraising, Organization, and Publicity. Once you are a Central Committee members, you are welcome to join one of these committees in order to help improve their functionality. Events & Fundraising helps plan our events, Organization helps run volunteer outreach, and Publicity runs our social media and email listservs.

Attendance Policy: The Republican Party of Story County provides mechanical and logistical support to elect Republican candidates and officials. As such, central committee meetings are business meetings that shall be dedicated to organizational business. Attendance at meetings shall be limited to registered Republicans, elected central committee members, invited guests of a central committee members, those with business before the committee, and / or an individual otherwise approved to attend by the chair or co-chair. As a private meeting, any individual not authorized to attend or any individual disrupting the meeting in any way may be asked to leave and prevented from future attendance. 

Official Event
April 15, 2024 at 7:00pm - 8pm
Nevada Baptist Church
210 W 3rd St
Nevada, IA 50201
United States
Google map and directions

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